Should we drink water after eating fruits? - The Global Express


Should we drink water after eating fruits
Should we drink water after eating fruits

Do you drink water after eating fruits?

If yes, then stop this bad habit of drinking water after eating fruits today. Because due to this bad habit you can suffer from stomach ache or cramps and flatulence. Sometimes, we feel flatulence whenever we drink water straight after eating fruits because of some amount of sugar and yeast present in fruits start diluting the stomach acids which leads to the production of carbon dioxide and this leads to the gaseous build-up in the stomach.

According to Ayurveda, we should not drink water after eating fruits. Usually, we should not drink water before or after eating any kinds of foods. The reason is that the water dilutes the digestive acids and weakens the digestive strength because of its cooling properties. Thus the digestion doesn't function properly. Also, Ayurveda suggests that we should drink water 15-20 minutes after eating foods.

Water destroys human pH level due to which many digestion related problems arise. Most of these common stomach problem is due to low acid levels in your stomach.

Nutritionists say to avoid drinking water after eating citrus fruits and high water content fruits and we must give half an hour to digest these fruits before you drink water.

You can drink water if you are really thirsty but since many fruits contain much water you can avoid drinking water right after eating fruits. It is best to avoid drinking water immediately after eating fruits and for best result, you should wait for some time so that the fruits can be digested.

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